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Replica Watch Knowledge

Does the shipment of replica watches include a box and documents?

This is a question we receive almost daily from buyers. Today, we aim to provide a clear explanation through this article, and we hope it will be helpful to everyone.

All replica watch factories ship their products without any additional accessories, only the watch itself. The watch boxes and documents you see are items we provide separately. Replica watch boxes and documents are produced by specialized factories. Given the large volume of shipments from replica watch factories, including a box would cause several issues, such as higher shipping costs or an increased risk of the package being seized by local government authorities. Additionally, the value of replica watch boxes and documents is quite low, around $5-10. The quality of these accessories cannot compare to the genuine ones, so I suggest that buyers focus more on the quality of the watch itself. Of course, we do not charge any fees for the watch box and documents we provide.

Our primary customer base is in Europe and North America, and each country has different customs regulations. In most countries, including China, replica watches are considered counterfeit products. Some countries, like Switzerland, have very strict inspections on such items. When shipping to Switzerland, for example, we avoid using boxes or documents with brand logos, and we try to keep the package size as small as possible to reduce the risk of customs duties. For some countries, we strongly advise against shipping with brand-marked boxes to ensure the safe delivery of the product, not to cut costs. If any of you travel to China for business or leisure and require replica watch boxes and documents, we promise to send them to your hotel for free.

Regarding shipping costs, we generally charge a flat rate of around $40 for shipments to Europe and North America. China has strict weight regulations for international parcels—if a package exceeds 0.5kg, the shipping cost increases by 50%. To avoid unnecessary shipping fees, we ensure that the package weight stays under 0.5kg. From a buyer’s perspective, paying excessive shipping costs is unnecessary.

The images below show some common replica watch boxes for your reference.

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