How Are Replica Watches Warrantied? (Explanation of After-Sales Issues for Replica Watches)
2. A customer from Russia needed two additional strap links due to a thicker wrist. We ordered the necessary parts from the factory and resolved the issue (the process also took about a month).
If the movement of a watch malfunctions, the situation becomes more complicated because replica watch components are specialized. Most customers would find it difficult to address such issues on their own. We recommend customers avoid impacts while wearing the watch, and if an issue arises, contact us promptly so we can work together to resolve it.
As we’ve mentioned in previous articles, most replica watch factories are assembly workshops. Since replica watch production is illegal in China, these factories are constantly at risk of being fined or shut down. This leads to poor after-sales service, with long lead times for ordering parts and slow repair processes. We hope customers understand and acknowledge this. However, we promise to actively resolve any issues customers encounter.
We continually share articles in our “Watch Knowledge” section to help customers better understand the replica watch industry. We hope everyone has an enjoyable purchasing experience and feels assured that we will work together to resolve any quality issues.We aim for our transactions with customers to be pleasant, transparent, and fair.