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Replica Watch Knowledge

Is It Still Possible to Buy a Replica Rolex from N Factory ?

N Factory was the pioneer of “replica watches” a decade ago. Back then, fake watches were synonymous with cheap, low-quality products. The average price of counterfeit watches on the market generally did not exceed $100, and many products from various factories could be described as “shoddily made.” When N Factory emerged, it transformed the “replica watch” industry by scaling up production and improving quality, which also raised the prices of their products. This led to the creation of the concept of the “1:1 replica watch.”

The products of N Factory were revolutionary ten years ago, but the factory shut down a few years back. The closure happened because the factory was raided during an anti-counterfeiting operation. The owner of N Factory, who was over 50 years old, decided to retire, and since then, N Factory products have disappeared from the market. The products currently marketed as “N Factory” are all fake N Factory products.

However, many people mistakenly believe that N Factory’s products are still the best. I can responsibly tell you that when comparing today’s replica watches, such as those from top-tier factories like C Factory or VS Factory, to the products of N Factory from back in the day, today’s products far surpass N Factory’s in both movement and craftsmanship. While N Factory was a pioneer in the replica watch industry, today’s replica watch factories have significantly advanced the industry. Additionally, N Factory’s product line was very limited at the time, lacking competitors and innovation.

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