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Replica Watch Knowledge

Is the quality of replica watches the same as authentic ones?

We offer a one-year free warranty on the replica watches we sell. Considering that most buyers are from abroad, sending the watch back to China for repairs can be quite difficult, so we try our best to inspect the watches thoroughly before shipping to minimize quality issues.

To answer the question, the quality of the movement in replica watches indeed cannot compare to that of genuine ones. Every brand has its own quality control standards for authentic watches. For instance, with OMEGA, their movements undergo over 600 hours of fault-free operation before being assembled into the watch. Replica watches, however, do not have the time or labor cost for such rigorous testing. On our website, we try to avoid listing models with high failure rates.

In general, a replica watch can run smoothly for about three years, and some may last up to five years. It’s unrealistic to expect the durability of a replica watch’s movement to reach the level of a genuine one, so we encourage everyone to manage their expectations accordingly.

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